We are now entering a period with many concerts and events around Malmö, here is a selection:
24/7 20.00 Benjamin Ingrosso at Tallriken in Pildammsparken
25-28/7 Limhamn’s harbor festival but a variety of activities https://polimhamn.se/
26/7 The Harbor in Nyhamnen with artists such as Veronica Maggio, Molly Sandén and others https://theharbour.se/
27/7 We who love the 90s & 00s, Nyhamnen with Nick Carter from Backstreets Boys, E-type and Markoolio etc. https://www.vialskar.se/90talsfestival-malmo/
27/7 Hoppapalooza, Local beer festival in Beijers park https://www.southplains.se/hoppapalooza-3/
27/7 African festival “Out of Africa” in Folkets Park https://outofafricasweden.org/sv/event/folkets-dag-i-folkets-park/
27-29/7 Malmö Melodic, Rock festival on Plan B https://malmomelodic.com/
28/7 Record fair at Lokstallarna https://www.matverkstaden.se/events
2/8 Marcus and Martinus perform at Slagthuset https://kulturbolaget.se/konserter/2024/marcus-martinus-we-are-not-the-same-tour-pt-2-mlm/
2-3/8 Pop Festival Undone at Plan B https://www.planbmalmo.com/event-details/festival-undone-at-plan-b-2
3/8 21.00 Hov1, Tallriken in Pildammsparken https://kulturbolaget.se/konserter/2024/hov1-4-ever-tour-2024/
3/8 Thai festival in Folkets Park between 12-8pm
9-16/8 Malmö Festival https://www.malmofestivalen.se/
Keep in mind that in connection with The Harbor and We who love the 90s & 00s in Nyhamnen, certain parts of Jörgen Kocksgatan will be closed to traffic
You can find all traffic closures in Malmö here: https://malmo.se/Bo-och-leva/Stadsmiljo-och-trafik/Trafikavstangningar.html.
During the Malmö festival, traffic will also be affected.