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Malmö tips this week!

24 May, 2023

Tomorrow, Thursday 25/5 Southern Sweden Design Days starts – an annual festival that makes visible and builds knowledge around design – with a focus on sustainability, collaboration, development and innovation. For four days, Malmö is filled with design through exhibitions, seminars, workshops and networking events. Organized by Form/Design Center. https://southernswedendesigndays.com/sv On Saturday 27/5 it’s time for the Malmö Rock Festival. For more information and artists see https://malmorock.com/artister-2023/ For the weekend 26-28/5 there are the Swedish Street Food Awards The Swedish Street food award takes place in Hyllivångsparken. For three days you can eat from 20 of the best food trucks from the Swedish street food elite. Food, beer & wine, music and general conviviality are offered here. Open to everyone, free entry and free activities for the little ones. https://www.facebook.com/events/168760619345740 For those who like to hike, we can tell you that Malmö will now be part of the Skåneleden The Skåneleden is an approximately 140 km long hiking trail that stretches across all of Skåne and now the Malmö part of the Skåneleden 5 Öresund is finished. From Spillepengen in the east to Klagshamn in the southwest, you can now walk through Malmö on Skåneleden. You can recognize Skåneleden’s draw on the orange marking out in nature/the city www.skaneleden.se/delled/sl5-oresund